Spanish translations
When translating I always adhere to the principle of translating meaning by meaning, not word by word, but at the same time I strive to convert an idea from one language to another as accurately as possible. Particularly with legal texts and documents I use the terminology from comparable legal documents in the target language, so that the person to whom the document is addressed could quickly understand the content without knowing the details of the whole context of the country, from which the text originates (background, realities or facts of the country etc).
Though I have long-term experience, when translating new or less frequently used expressions, I approach native speakers with whom I cooperate also on proofreading, and my colleagues. I continuously improve my language skills by attending various seminars and learning courses
targeted at translators and interpreters. I can prepare two-way translations, both Spanish–Czech, and Czech–Spanish.
I work quickly with high quality, adapting myself to the client´s requirements. Daily I can translate up to 10 standard pages, the translations I can finalize by the next day if agreed. I utilize the CAT tool MemSource.
Most frequent court translations Spanish–Czech (legal verification or official)
Schools and education
School reports, certificates of study, secondary school leaving certificates, apprenticeship certificates, university degrees, or an overview of completed subjects.
Court decisions, judgments on determination of property rights, divorce judgments, judgments on custody, summons to court proceedings, arbitral awards.
Powers of attorney, wills, prenuptial agreements, general meeting minutes, resolutions of the sole shareholder, sales of companies.
Insurance and Insurance companies
Health insurance cards, official records providing explanation, court documents, certificates replacing the European Health Insurance Card, certificates of medical treatment in Spanish-speaking countries, insurance contracts, documents and certificates from health insurance companies and the social security administration.
Taxes and Accounting
Income tax returns of natural persons, corporate income tax returns, VAT returns, VAT registration certificates, certificates of taxable income from dependent activities, accounting audit, certificates of income, certificates of tax domicile, balance sheets and income statements, payslips, payrolls, bank confirmations, statements of income and expenses.
Cars and Driving
Vehicle registration certificate, certificate on the conformity of imported tires, protocol on ecological disposal of the vehicle, certificate of ownership of the driving license.
Employment contracts, work activity agreements, work performance agreements, personal records for pension insurance, employment records, employer’s confirmations.
Civil Registry
Birth certificates, marriage certificates, certificates of legal capacity to marry, death certificates, court decisions, divorce judgments, parish consents to baptism, statements of marital status, certificates of matrimonial matters, certificates of permanent residence.
Purchase agreements, lease agreements, cooperation agreements, mortgage agreements, credit agreements, employment agreements, loan agreements, settlement agreements, parents' agreements on contact with a minor.
Health Care
Medical reports, medical assessments, psychologist reports, medical certificates, medical reports on medical fitness to drive motor vehicles.
Certificates and Statements
Statement of Criminal Record, business registration certificate, bank account statements, Land Registry´ statement
Other documents
Invoices, power of attorney, sworn statement, confirmations of any nature, vouchers, receipts, payment orders, passports, ID cards.